About Greater Outreach Missionary Baptist Church

About Our Church

In 1978, a meeting was held at the Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church at 6801 Westover, Houston, Texas.  The purpose of the meeting was to organize a Missionary Baptist Church.  A unanimous vote resulted in the name of the church being Greater Outreach Missionary Baptist Church and Rev. Lawrence Jarvis was officially named pastor.  Sis. Rosene Blade was named Church Secretary and Bro. Godwyn Haynes, Treasurer.  Rev. D. G. Burgs and Rev. E. Stanley Branch officiated this meeting.

At the time of the organization, Greater Outreach had no church home to call its own.  Ninety members, including two ordained deacons and Pastor Jarvis, made up the congregation of Greater Outreach.  This small band of believers was drawn together by a common bond of love, faith, and prayer; under the guidance of Pastor Jarvis did what they had to do…step out on faith…not knowing what lay ahead…only knowing that God would provide.church1

Because Tabernacle Baptist Church was such a wonderful friend, there was a place to worship.  By the grace of God, Greater Outreach was without a church home for only three Sundays.

A new service station for the Lord opened on January 14, 1979, at 6301 Telephone Road with Pastor Lawrence Jarvis as station manager.  For two years, church members worshipped and served God at this location.

In January 1981 Greater Outreach relocated to 6022 Nunn Street.  On Sunday, September 20, Pastor Lawrence Jarvis resigned as pastor and teacher of Greater Outreach.  On Friday, September 26, 1981, a meeting was called to declare the pulpit vacant and to determine if the church would remain a church family or be disbanded.  It was voted that Greater Outreach would continue to promote and maintain a growing productive church for our Lord and Savior.  Pastor R.A. Williams presided over the meeting.  It was now time for the church to think about a permanent Shepard.  20090616_0048bIn an effort to locate a Shepard, the church went in prayer to ask the Lord for guidance.  As a result, Rev. L. Kimble was elected pastor of Greater Outreach on November 20, 1981. Under the leadership of Pastor Kimble, the membership grew.  Still, the church had to make another move.  With God’s guidance, it was just next door---about 100ft to 6032 Nunn Street.  In February 1991, the church moved into our present sanctuary at 6525 Northdale Street.

On September 3, 2006, after 25 years, Rev. Kimble resigned as pastor of Greater Outreach Missionary Baptist Church.  Rev. James Blade was elected to serve as Interim pastor.

From October 19th – December 31st a total of ten ministers were invited to preach and teach, of which, three were selected to move to the next phase of the pastoral search.

After much thought and prayer, On March 27, 2007, Rev. Darrell Stroman was elected as the new pastor of Greater Outreach Missionary Baptist Church.  He preached his first sermon on Sunday, April 3rd, and was installed on June 3r, 2007.  The installation service was held at Christian Hope Baptist Church.  Rev. Stroman served as leader of Greater Outreach until Jan 21, 2008.  At that time we were again in search of a Shepard.  Pastor Emeritus Lorenza Kimble again accepted the charge as the interim pastor.

We did not give up hope and kept on working and praying that the Lord would use us as instruments in the building of the Lord’s Kingdom.

From July 2008 through December 2008, seventeen ministers were invited to teach and preach.  Three ministers were subsequently chosen from the group to move to the next phase of the pastoral search.

On Tuesday, December 2, 2008, Rev. Kenneth Eakins, Sr. was chosen as the Pastor of Greater Outreach Missionary Baptist Church.  His ministry was effective January 6, 2009, and he was installed on Sunday, May 31, 2009, at Greater True Faith Baptist Church.  The Greater Outreach officers, members, many family members, and friends were in attendance.  Our hearts are filled with gratitude for this church, our Pastor, and each other.  Greater Outreach has continued to grow, still receiving new members and workers.  The main goal of Greater Outreach is to be a saving station for God.

Pastor Eakin’s vision is to teach, lead, and equip people with the Word of God.

About Our Pastor

Psalms 37:23-25 - The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand. I have been young, but now I am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

Rev. Kenneth Eakins, Sr. is the new Pastor of the Greater Outreach Missionary Baptist Church.   He was elected in December of 2008 and installed on May 31, 2009.  Pastor Eakins has several accomplishments in his short tenure as Pastor such as:  witnessing to over 75 people who have either united with the church under Christian experience or baptism; purchased 2 lots next door to the church, reorganized all the ministries within the church; restructured the trustee board and purchased of a new steeple for the building.  Rev. Kenneth Eakins, Sr.

Pastor Eakins’ foremost desire is to serve God first and lead the people of God to higher heights and dimensions.  With God’s help and through His guidance, Pastor Eakins’ overall goal is to worship God, help build lives, and be steadfast in the Lord; teach, lead, and equip the people with the word of God to enable the ministry at Greater Outreach to grow spiritually, numerically and financially.

Pastor Eakins is a native of Mississippi (Harriston).  He’s been married to Paula Kimble-Eakins for 35 years and they have 4 sons (Marcolin, Donald, Kenneth, Jr. & Kandon), 2 daughters-in-law (Nia and Laquisha), and 10 grandchildren (Chad, MarKayla, Marcolin, Jr., Caleb, Maya, Mekhi, Donald, Jr., Dheavani, Dejanae, and Dakota, and 1 great-grandson.

(713) 643-1320